

Specialists in Electroerosion.
Big Size WEDM
Large-size Wire Cutting.
2.000 x 1.300 x 700mm
The biggest Wire EDM machine in the world.

The advantages of Wire EDM

Wire EDM replaces the technologies used to date (broaching) for the manufacture of special machining (example: Fir Tree Slots), necessary for high pressure compressors and turbine discs, due to their zero tool wear; and the exhaustive control that allows throughout the process. We have at your disposal the biggest Wire EDM machine in the world.

Large-Size Wire EDM

An Wire EDM machine with rounds of 2.000 x 1.300 x 700 mm along the X, Y, Z axes and thanks to its fixed table design, it allows for the treatment of heavy (up to 10.000 kg) and voluminous (2.450 x 2.000 x 700 mm) parts with ease and precision. * The possibility to cut parts of up to 700 mm in height completely submerged.

Possibilities for the Industry

We have the biggest eroding machine currently being marketed in the world that allows us to work with large pieces, inside climate-controlled facilities to guarantee extreme precision and quality of the parts being fabricated.
- We mechanize metals of any hardness (Titanium, Steel, Inconel, Superalloys) with an accuracy of up to one thousandth of a millimeter.
- We also perform cuts and extractions of test specimens and engine sectioning.

UTIMESA - Specialists in Wire EDM, the Biggest Wire EDM Machine in the World

Latest generation technology

Incorporates a digital generator of great power, designed to reach the highest speeds possible in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining. This allows for a 100% electrolytic corrosion-free cut without compromising the speed. A complete technological solution for parts that are both complex and of great magnitude.

UTIMESA - Specialists in Wire EDM, the Biggest Wire EDM Machine in the World
UTIMESA - Specialists in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM)
UTIMESA - Specialists in accuracy machining in different sectors


We are backed up by more than 30 years of experience providing our services for companies in different sectors such as energy, aeronautics, automobile, railway, food and agriculture, technology, etc...

UTIMESA - Specialists in accuracy machining



Specialists in machining of extreme precision to meet very strict dimensional and geometric specifications.

UTIMESA - Specialists in construction of special machinery



We develop and create special equipment of great complexity and magnitude. Turnkey projects.

UTIMESA - Specialists in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM)

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